Huwebes, Enero 28, 2016


 Making a Bonsai takes an artists skills, and finishing one takes years to complete. Bonsai Artists have that much patience and love on finishing one.
I love nature trees plants and etc, having one at home looks refreshing and it is one of my way to cure stress.

It is for me the greatest form of art as it is a living art that doesn't die easily when properly cared. and it is a continuous work on progress as you maintain it. Unlike any art once done you can never touch again and just left for display purposes. Not in bonsai you always take care of it every time.

Looking at bonsai especially when it is fully blooming will make you awe.


Obvious in it's name it's main function is to cut wire. Wire cutter is mainly used when a wire is already got eaten by a growing branch it is hard to remove that wire therefore artists used wirecutters. On display bonsai as well for competition, wires is a distraction on judges so they remove the wire by using it before the competition


Saw is used for cutting bonsai material's branches that is necessary to a finished bonsai. Artist usually used mini foldable saw as it more stable than the bigger one and does not harm the tree much.


Concave Cutter has same purpose like the long slim twig shear but same function with knob cutter, to cut big twigs and branches that is hard to reach due to covered outer branches. Bonsai is hard to make and years are spent to finish one, better be careful to cut than lose important branches and twigs.


Knobcutter is one of the most essential tool for bonsai. It is used to cut bigger twigs that shears can't cut at the same time the curving of knob cutter makes an illusion like it is cut naturally in wild if the wound is healed.


A Pruning Shear is widely used in making bonsai, it used for Bonsai ready for display cutting excess leaves. Without cutting Bonsai twigs will randomly shoot out on branches. Bonsai that is cut regularly will grow smaller and smaller leaves.

A Long Slim Twig Shear is used on twigs that is growing on innermost of the tree. If using regular shears it may harm the form or may break important twigs when trying to cut the further ones

Bonsai Tool: Wires

Bonsai wire is the most important tool on making a bonsai. No bonsai would be made today without it, though chinese use ties before. 

All bonsai started with wires in it. Wiring a bonsai is very essential on making one, if there is no wire twigs and branches can't be lead where will it go.
However, displaying bonsai in a competition, artists remove the wires because it is a distraction and can deduct points if it is visible.