Huwebes, Enero 28, 2016


 Making a Bonsai takes an artists skills, and finishing one takes years to complete. Bonsai Artists have that much patience and love on finishing one.
I love nature trees plants and etc, having one at home looks refreshing and it is one of my way to cure stress.

It is for me the greatest form of art as it is a living art that doesn't die easily when properly cared. and it is a continuous work on progress as you maintain it. Unlike any art once done you can never touch again and just left for display purposes. Not in bonsai you always take care of it every time.

Looking at bonsai especially when it is fully blooming will make you awe.

1 komento:

  1. I totally agree. It's a living art and a great stress reliever. Amazing pictures! Keep those post coming and probably practical information on where to get supplies and materials, upcoming events that you may know of and Bonsai practitioner here in the Philippines.
